Ema ho Defisiénsia ezije ba Governu Timor-Leste, atu defende direitu defisiénsia AGORA
**Note: You can also read this story in English on RHTO’s Blog. Iha tinan ida ne'e, organizasaun ba ema ho defisiénsia no organizasaun...
People with Disabilities call on the Government of Timor-Leste to uphold disability rights NOW
**Nota: Imi mós bele lee istória ida-ne'e iha lian Inglés ba Blog RHTO nian. Earlier this year, disabled people's organisations and other...
Servisu Hamatuk: Oinsá atu ajuda Ema ho Defisiénsia Hetan Suseu iha Negósiu
**Note: You can also read this story in English on RHTO’s Blog. Loron Mundiál Trabalhadór Nian, iha Domingu 1 Maiu, komemora loron...
Working Together: How to help People with Disabilities Succeed in Business
**Nota: ita bele mós lee istoria ne’e iha lian Tetun iha RHTO nia Blog. International Labour Day, on Sunday 1 May, celebrates the world's...
Tinan Ida Foun, no Oportunidade Foun Hodi Asegura Ema ho Defisiénsia nia Direitus: Prioridade iha 20
**Note: You can also read this story in English on RHTO’s Blog. Iha tinan kotuk, RHTO servisu makaas hodi hasa'e konsiensia kona-ba...
A New Year, and New Opportunities to Progress Disability Rights: Priorities for 2016
**Nota: ita bele mós lee istoria ne’e iha lian Tetun iha RHTO nia Blog. Last year RHTO worked hard to raise awareness about disability...
Tinan Ida Tan Hetan Susesu ba RHTO – Ami Nia Relatoriu Anuál Rezumu
**Note: You can also read this story in English on RHTO’s Blog. Fulan Jullu mak tempu husi kada tinan bainhira RHTO okpadu hodi kompleta...
Another Successful Year for RHTO – Our Annual Report Overview
**Nota: ita bele mós lee istoria ne’e iha lian Tetun iha RHTO nia Blog. July is the time of year when RHTO is busy completing annual...
RHTO Halo Advokasia ba Direitus ba Labarik ho Defisiénsia iha Timor-Leste
**Note: You can also read this story in English on RHTO’s Blog. Iha semana kotuk, RHTO hatoo relatoriu ida ba mekanismu Nasions Unidadas...
RHTO Advocates for the Rights of Children with Disabilities in Timor-Leste
**Nota: ita bele mós lee testu ne’e iha lian Tetun iha RHTO nia Blog. Last week, RHTO submitted a report on The Convention on the Rights...