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All people with disability have the right to go to school and receive an education. Our work on inclusive education is about making sure mainstream schools are ready and willing to receive students with disabilities.


Through sensitisation sessions at schools, as well as the provision of scholarships, we are working to ensure people with disability are able to access quality education.



A key role of RHTO, as the national Disabled Person's Organisation (DPO), is to empower people with disability to advocate for their own rights.


We undertake public awareness activities to make sure community leaders and members are aware of the rights of people with disability. Our vision is an inclusive society for all.


People with disability in Timor-Leste face challenges accessing public buildings, and water and sanitation. RHTO works together with communities and people with disability to build ramps, and install accessible toilets and wash facilities in schools, houses, and public buildings.


RHTO also partners with organisations such as WaterAid and BESIK in order to help ensure water points are accessible.




RHTO is partnering with the CBM-Nossal Institute Partnership for Disability Inclusive Development to provide disability advice to the Government of Australia's Health Program in Timor-Leste. This will involve finding ways to ensure people with disability are included in this program.


RHTO also facilitates access of people with disability to health clinics, the Centre for National Rehabilitation in Dili, and other service providers.



To increase the self-sufficiency and indpendence of people with disability, RHTO is helping provide livelihood training and microfinance support to self-help groups across the country.


The groups we support have established small businesses and earn income through activities such as raising chickens, growing tomatoes, sewing clothes, and weaving tais. This income allows the group members to be independent.



RHTO is working with at the community level to support people with disabilities who have experienced discrimination or violence, and linking them with service providers and partners, such as legal aid providers, to help them through the formal justice system. 

​​Call us:

00670 331 0540

​Find us: 

Estrada Balide, Dili

PO Box 84, Díli Timor-Leste

© 2015 Ra'es Hadomi Timor Oan Created in partnership with Dignitas Vitae

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